Here are 5 tricks for the WhatsApp web users, which will save your day. Don’t miss a single one and do share with your loved ones.
WhatsApp Web has a little trick that allows you to read the messages without your double blue tic appears to your contact. That can only be used to see the last message sent by contact or in a group. For this, you only have the slide bar to see the latest messages, but without clicking on any conversation. Of course, remember that users will see that you are connected online and that you are not answering.
If you have two phones with 2 different numbers, you can use both WhatsApp Web numbers, but only if you use the browser in incognito mode, it’s that simple.
If you create a group and you are the administrator of this, you can send all kinds of files that you can easily download to your computer like pdf, doc, videos etc.
If you have a lot of activity in your WhatsApp account, a Chrome and Opera extension that can be very useful for you is Watoolkit, since it is a client for WhatsApp Web that you can use even when Google Chrome is closed. With this, you will continue to see message notifications.
You already know that sending and receiving audios on WhatsApp is the order of the day because with the following trick you can increase the volume and increase the playback speed of that audio. To do this, you just have to install an extension for Google Chrome called Zapp.