Big Data Management: 5 Things You Need To Know

Increasingly, companies use Big Data platforms to manage all the information they need and store it in a safe but accessible place. When working with this technology, specific Big Data Management tools will also be necessary with which to manage all processes in the most correct way.

In the following sections, we are going to explain five essential things that you must know to properly manage Big Data and preserve consistency in the results that you will obtain after carrying out the analyzes:

  1. Process knowledge
  2. Working with modern technology
  3. The importance of quality
  4. Understand architecture
  5. Squeeze streaming

1. The Need To Know The Processes

If there is something to highlight about Big Data, it is that it allows us to access a large number of data, which is why it is so important for companies. Currently, commercial users can access and manage all available business information on their own, from its original format. What is needed is that they know perfectly the processes to:

  • Gain precision and contextualize.
  • Avoid repetitions.
  • Optimize the resources at your disposal.

Joy day, many of these processes take place in the cloud, so business users will need to have developed cloud capabilities. Thus, in the circumstances in which they would normally resort to classic warehouse chains such as Data Warehouses or Data Marts, they will be able, if their mission requires it, to go to a data lake or a cloud repository.

A Big Data Management tool simplifies the management of the complex modern data architecture, making it easier for the information that the company has to be consumed in self-service mode, a practice that is becoming more and more established in all sectors.

2. Working With Modern Technology

Big Data is not the data model of yesteryear. This means that, if in the past to store the data and prepare the subsequent analyzes and reports, the process was carried out starting from a predefined structure where we could include all the information we needed; Today it is not like that.

When we talk about Big Data we have to get this idea out of our heads, since the expectation is quite different. In this sense, it must be commented that with Big Data, both structured and unstructured data can be stored in their original formats, without the need to manipulate said information. This completely eliminates the predefined model that we have already referred to.

The advantage over older models is that with well-managed Big Data, any user can access the information and subsequently manage and adapt it according to their own needs. once again, Big Data Management tools are essential.

3. The Importance Of Quality

Because Big Data aims to present data in its original format, since there is no standardization or cleanliness in them, the quality of the information needs to be higher.

The absence of a predefined model offers greater freedom for users to use the data as they need at any time. However, this freedom also becomes a responsibility, since they are responsible for transforming information.

Thus, it must be borne in mind that business users must be trained in data quality issues and, at the same time, it will be convenient to put at their disposal the tools that allow them to guarantee that the information with which they work remains reliable. It is a matter of compromise that will only work with the proper backing of technology.

4. Understanding Of Architecture

In order to achieve higher performance, you need to fully understand the architecture on which Big Data is based. It should be noted that Big Data platforms use a distributed storage system. These supports present data processing and also storage nodes to be able to work in what is known as parallel computing.

Despite the fact that Big Data is very beneficial for users, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the system in advance and avoid surprises or bad practices.

5. Squeeze Streaming Data

Every day we can see that times have changed and data is no longer only collected within a company for filing and correct analysis. At this time, information comes from everywhere and in different ways.

The data streaming is constant and does not rest at any time, standing out above all for the variety of ways in which this information originates. The data is created and managed in different ways as part of this same streaming.

There is data that comes from the machines and sensors, devices and measurement systems that are connected to the Internet. Other of this data is generated by people and posted on social networks, emails, blogs and other media.

There is also content and data that is created automatically through pre-configured systems. All this information is crucial and can make a difference if analyzed in a relevant way and supported by the best Big Data Management solutions.

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