Enjoy Free Texts and Audiobooks on Your Phone

You hear it on the news or see it on social media all the time: So and so is a multi-millionaire and reads 500 books a year. How’s that even possible? A person who’s running a large company and making that much money can’t possibly have 4 to 5 hours a day to sit down and read. Audiobooks, however, make it possible to consume a lot of content from books even when you don’t have the time.

People shy away from trying these out because of there potential to get expensive. There didn’t use to be a lot of cheap options when it came to downloading books and audiobooks onto your phone; however, new mobile apps make it possible to find a variety of books in all formats for free. You can download them onto your phone and consume audiobooks as you go about the other tasks in your day.

Download Free Books to Your Phone

While everyone loves the smell and feel of a real book, they can be very difficult to carry around with you. Reading books on the beach may be a romantic idea, but carrying a book bag and clunky hardbacks down into the sand is a hassle. Wouldn’t you rather just take your phone down to the beach and still get to enjoy a good book?

Now imagine you’re on the elliptical machine at the gym. If you’re trying to read a book while you exercise, you’ll have to use one or both hands to hold the book open as you exercise. If you’ve got a book downloaded onto your phone, however, these mobile book apps can even scroll down and flip the page for you at the right time so that you can read with convenience while you work out.

Enjoy Audiobooks on the Go

Along with reading books on your phone, another great way to consume a lot of book content is by listening to audiobooks on the go. Think about it. You spend most of your day at work, and when you’re at home, you want to rest your mind and enjoy your family. That’s why listening to an audiobook on your commute to and from work is one of the best times to enjoy a novel or learn some useful information from a non-fiction book about science or history.

These mobile audiobook apps offer discounts on a variety of great texts that you can download and listen to in the car. Many of these apps are available through CarPlay and other such technologies that allow you to listen, fast-forward, or control the volume of the audiobooks safely as you drive without ever having to touch your phone.

Edify Yourself as You Accomplish Other Tasks

Audiobooks are also an incredibly useful tool to learn new information on topics quickly, even when you’re busy. If you need to study and clean the house but only have time to do one of those things, then mobile apps are your solution. Free audiobook mobile apps allow you to download free books to listen to as you go about your day, so whether you’re working out, cleaning the house, or mowing the lawn, you can learn something as you do it.


The days of having to do one thing at a time are over. With mobile book and audiobook apps, you can find free books to listen to or read from your phone. Check out the list of apps for one that suits your needs.

Great Apps For Audiobooks

Instead of only getting to read during your free time, you can start crushing all of those books on your “read next” list while still managing to be productive and enjoying your free time.

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