Are you facing a dilemma in terms of creating a presentation that focuses on important data while also being attractive? Have you struggled with making videos that do not potentially put your viewers to sleep? Well, there’s no need to worry anymore.
We fully understand the problem you are facing, with many others like yourself, and hence, we have come up with a list of things you can do to make sure your video grabs the attention of your viewers and keeps them hooked on to your presentation.
If you are making a video from scratch, you need not worry about templates. But, if you are someone who is not very well-versed with video editing and would like to start off directly by using a template, here is where your decision matters the most. Many video editing softwares have a plethora of templates available that you can choose from.
These templates have to match the topic of your presentation, and their look should be in line with the tone you want to set. Professional and informative presentations can use deep or dark colors to set a serious tone. Whereas, a light-hearted and easy-going presentation could use bright colors. According to the theme of your presentation, decide on a template.
When making a video presentation, it is important to keep in mind a few contextual points along with technical things to take care of, which we will cover in the following points. But, before that, make sure you introduce your presentation well.
Remember that you might be aware of the framework within which you are working, and so you know the basics of your content. But, the viewer might be seeing this for the first time, and jumping straight into the topic might be difficult for them to understand. Which is why you need to ease into the topic with a simple introduction and make sure your viewer is all warmed up before going into the main part of the presentation.
When you are making a presentation, always keep in mind that you have to keep your visuals on point. Include as many of them as you can. These could be in the form of GIFs, videos, or simple pictures that highlight your points. Visuals do not always have to be entertaining.
Even when it comes to presenting data, you can get creative. Instead of simple tabulations, try using graphs, bar diagrams, pie charts, etc. to represent any sort of data. This makes it easier to comprehend data while also keeping it interesting.
When it comes to a video presentation, it is essential that you do not make your viewers read through a lot of text. Skip all the complicated jargon and keep your matter as concise as possible. You can always have one or two lines per slide or shot, but limit it to that. Make the experience as easy as you can for your viewers and avoid using a lot of long sentences.
It is important to decide exactly how much text is necessary. For example, certain important data or facts can be presented in a few lines as bullet points. However, make sure these are the most important highlights of your presentation without unnecessary content. Also, choose the text wisely. Typography is the key factor that subconsciously sets the tone of your presentation.
Having a professional presentation does not mean it has to be dry and boring. You could always make use of themes and enhancers available across different platforms to make your video more engaging. It is important to keep in mind that the goal of your video is to attract the viewer’s attention.
To do so, it is advised to use different elements like fun facts and important highlights in an attractive manner rather than just putting them there. This will make it easier for your viewers to understand the new concepts you put forth in a better way and also enjoy the presentation. Your efforts will be recognized too, and having a video that is different from the usual presentations will help your case. It increases recall value while also improving the messaging.
Online video softwares like InVideo will offer you a lot of features like helping you with how to make a video size smaller, adjusting audio, including frames, and also playing around with effects. Some of these effects include confetti, entertainment effects, fireworks, explosions, and so on.
Not only this, but the effects have even more options under each of these categories. With so many effects to choose from, you can surely find one that suits the type of presentation you are doing and apply them accordingly. Although, including effects is advisable only if it matches your presentation. Including them just for the sake of having an effect can make the video unpleasant to watch.
Most people will say that including voiceovers in a presentation severely hits the budget allocated for a video. But, if your work permits you to do so and grants you that creative freedom, try incorporating voiceovers in your content. They act as a great way of supplementing your video and also highlighting any key points that you cover with the help of text.
Plus, a video that is supported with the help of both strong visuals and crisp voiceovers can be very effective in the minds of the viewer. Both of them together can create the very impact you need for your presentation to be both entertaining and memorable.
Nowadays, with growing competition and struggle, it is very important to stand apart from the crowd, and small things like these will help you get your foot through the door. Creating something different while also being relevant and fulfilling the need of the consumer is something most people lack. Everyone includes most of these points, but to all of them.
But with the help of a video that is a class apart from the others, you can achieve exactly that and survive among the competition you are facing. So, if you are looking to give your presentation a fun little twist, make sure to use these tips and see the amazing results for yourself.
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