You would need to evaluate the overall performance of your computer but, being little versed in this kind of thing. You don’t know how to do it? Well, then take a look at the PC performance index, and that’s it. What do you say? I don’t have the faintest idea of what it is or how to achieve it, and would you like me to help you?
At your command! Allow me a few minutes of your precious free time, in a simple but not in detail, I can show you how to see the performance of the PC using the index above (a function integrated into Windows) that some third-party applications capable of measuring the performance of disks, RAM, video cards, etc. and other components. I’ll tell you right away. The thing is much simpler than you might think. Then, what would you say to put the chatter aside and start getting busy immediately? Yup? Great! Then get yourself comfortable and put into practice the instructions you find below. You will get the desired result in no time!
Before getting to the heart of the tutorial, explain how to see the PC’s performance. There is some preliminary information about it that I have to give you. To begin with, it seems only fitting to specify what is meant by “computer performance.” In case you do not know, what is referred to is nothing more than the measurement of the hardware power of the PC, that is, the performance of the main components of the same, such as processor, RAM, video card, and disk.
The measurement of the performance of the components can be performed to understand the state in which they are, as well as, of course, that in which the PC is in general, but also to understand if the workstation in use can run certain software/games or in any case perform specific operations. In the case of Windows, to obtain such data, it is sufficient to use a unique tool included “standard” in the operating system, called the Performance Index. It has been included in Windows since Vista and is easy to consult even by inexperienced users.
Having made all the premises of the case, you are surely wondering “how to see the performance of my PC?”. Well, to find out how to achieve this, continue reading: you will find explained below how to act on both Windows 11 and older versions of the Microsoft operating system.
If you are interested in seeing the performance of your Windows 10 PC, you have to invoke the tool above called Command Line Performance Index via PowerShell. The indications below are also valid if you want to see PC performance on Windows 8.1 or Windows 8.To proceed, therefore, click on the Start button (the one with the Windows flag ) located at the bottom left of the taskbar, type PowerShell in the search field displayed on the screen, then right-click on the link for Windows PowerShell, select Run as administrator from the menu that opens and respond to the warning you see appear on the screen by pressing the Yes button.
Now that you see the PowerShell window on your desktop, entering the command wins at formalizing it and hitting the Enter key on your keyboard. Wait for the system to evaluate the components and, once completed (at the end, you will see the words Total execution time with the indication of how long it took to execute), enter the command Get-CimInstance Win32_WinSatand press the Enter key again, to be able to consult it. After completing the steps, you will view the Windows Performance Index scores for the affected computer components.
More precisely, the system will return the values shown below with the relative Score next to it.
Note that the computer performance analysis results are also returned in XML files, which are automatically saved in the Windows / Performance / Winsat / Windows DataStore path.
If you then want to analyze specific computer components, I inform you that, after giving the command wins at formalin the PowerShell window, you can do it by entering the following commands, always followed by pressing the Enter key.
Now let’s see how to see PC performance on Windows 11. In this case, the Performance Index tool has a graphical interface, so it is not necessary to act from the command line as with the most up-to-date versions of the operating system from Microsoft. To proceed, therefore, click on the Start button (the one with the Windows flag ) present at the bottom left of the taskbar, select the link for the Control Panel in the menu that opens and, in the window you see appear on the desktop, click first on the System and security item and then on that Check Windows Performance Index, or click directly on the wording System performance (depending on the type of display set in the drop-down menu at the top left).
In the screen that will be shown to you at this point, you will find the following values with the relative Score reached next to it: Processor, Memory (RAM), Video Card, Game Graphics, and Primary Hard Drive. To be precise, the values in question are shown in the Component column. In contrast, in the Classified elements column, you will find the factors taken into consideration for the analysis. In that Partial Score, the Score is assigned to each component. On the other hand, in the Base Score column, the lowest partial Score is shown.
At the bottom of the screen, you will also find the date on which the last helpful evaluation of the computer’s performance was carried out, corresponding to the wording of the Last update if you believe that the data in question is too dated or in any case, if you wish to carry out a new analysis, you can do so by clicking on the Rerun the evaluation link always present at the bottom, on the right. If you cannot see the PC’s performance and, instead, in the screen where this should be present, you will find the wording Windows Performance Index not yet defined. To remedy it, click on the Computer classification button and wait for the evaluation of the PC components to be carried out.
As I had already anticipated, if you want to carry out a more in-depth analysis of the performance of your computer or if you own a Mac and, therefore, do not have at your disposal any integrated tool to check the performance of the CPU, GPU, etc. you can consider relying on the use of a program to see the version of the PC, software to run the so-called benchmarks, in short.
If this interests you, below you will find the ones I believe to be the best in the category, both for Windows and macOS. Find the tool you think will do the most for you and start using it immediately.