Make Your Business Better With Automation For Good

It’s about helping companies meet their climate goals and become more sustainable. Because in the last ten years, the topic of sustainability has reached the top of the corporate agenda. This has led to changes in companies’ operations – from net-zero targets to waste reduction initiatives to green sourcing practices.

Automation For Good As A Social Anchor

Automation for Good can be a versatile tool. As a leader, you need to be more connected than ever to the world outside your organization. From sustainability to social benefit, automation offers a practical way to achieve the goals that help you create a better work environment and impact the society around you. Companies can achieve environmental and social goals faster by automating business processes and creating workflows that speed up processes or eliminate paperwork.

A Norwegian healthcare company uses automation to reduce the number of letters they send to patients who have an appointment already scheduled and confirmed. Instead, software robots intercept every letter, preventing it from being printed and mailed. The company is thus reducing its ecological footprint by using less paper and saving more than 460,000 euros on postage alone. A Swedish bank has used Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to reduce administrative workload and provide the best possible service for its two million customers and 1,100 employees. The company automated 100 processes in 2021, saving around 100,000 hours of work and reducing the stress of its employees.

How To Launch An Automation For Good Program For Your Business

Developing overarching AfG goals and creating a framework to achieve them is essential. The 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations, the “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs), provide an orientation for defining the “good” of automation – adapted to the areas of your company that you want to improve. To ensure you get employee buy-in at all levels to implement automation, here are four steps to take:

  • Creating a shared vision: A shared vision and business goals are the basic building blocks for automation. Because if employees understand the vision, they can identify with it better and contribute to pursuing the positive effects in a committed and targeted manner.
  • Setting priorities: After setting goals, the priorities are defined, and teams are formed. Who should carry out the AfG initiative, and how are the processes structured? If your company has a Center of Excellence (CoE), its activities should be linked to the AfG agenda. Also, be sure to encourage cross-team communication. New perspectives help to develop innovations faster and in a targeted manner.
  • Communicate cleverly: A well-thought-out strategy will help your AfG initiative succeed. Companies that inform and involve their employees, communicate their vision and goals well and proactively offer workshops and training courses have fewer problems when introducing new technologies.
  • Collect numbers: To ensure that the investment in automation is worthwhile, companies should collect specific metrics. Progress can be measured more quickly and precisely if these figures are linked to the AfG agenda.

The Use Of Automation For Good Starts Now

With a formulated and well-communicated vision and anchored goals, the potential of automation can be used beyond the business benefits. There are enormous benefits for you and your business to invest in automation. If the way of thinking and approaching the topic changes simultaneously, this technology can achieve even greater things. Because it’s about much more than just saving costs and time, it’s about how the potential of automation can be used for a “better” company.

Also Read: When Is The Ideal Time To Invest In Automation?

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