The Best Tips And Tricks On Editing PDFs Online

When you’ve decided to make the jump from using standalone software for PDF editing to online browser-based applications, it can be daunting. While it is perfectly fine to use both offline and online editors, it’s ultimately more convenient to rely on online tools because of accessibility and convenience. Take, for example, when you are in transit and need to edit something, you can just whip up your browser from your smartphone and do the rest in there!

In this article, we’ve collated some of the best tricks for people to improve their online PDF editing skills. From converting to protecting, down to encrypting files, we’ve got you covered. PDF editing shouldn’t be a source of stress for anyone, as it is one of the few things in your office life that doesn’t need too much of a technical mind to use. Here are the best tricks for online PDF editing:

When Converting PDF To Word, Use The OCR Option

There was a time when converting PDF to a more editable structure like MS Office file formats was unheard of. PDF or Portable Document Format is the format most institutions use for files and documents ready for printing, that’s why it’s usually a tough process to edit inorganically. You can easily convert Word and other similar document formats without making any ruckus, but if its the other way around, the story is different.

Converting PDF to any type of a more editable format is hard to pull off, and lesser converters will do it half-heartedly, which means basically turning what’s inside the file into a jpg and pasting it into the page for Word, Excel, or Powerpoint. But with online browser-based PDF applications, converting PDF to Word is as easy as uploading a file on the repository.

One of the basic tricks to take note of to make the conversion process more efficient is to set the conversion settings to one with an OCR option. Through this method, the elements inside the PDF document will be edited as an editable object, and not become a static one, like a picture with text in it. In some sites, this option is a Pro feature, so you might as well sign up as a member first.

It’s Easier To Encrypt Online

It used to be that encrypting PDF is only reserved for powerful, feature-rich PDF viewers and editors, but that’s not the case these days. Protecting a PDF file that has confidential information within it is easier when doing it online. PDF Bear, for example, has a suite of applications for PDF converting, editing, and protection.

Its encryption tool is as sturdy and secure as the ones found on standard, dedicated PDF editing software that usually costs a pretty penny. It’s free, lightweight, and protects your file in a jiffy. You won’t need to worry about exposing your file once it’s uploaded because there is an SSL encryption on both the site and the files uploaded.

The advantage of doing the encrypting online is that you can access the suite anywhere you go through your phone’s browser, the process is fast, and you won’t need any fancy software to make it happen. Encrypting online makes sense when you’re always out of the office, or is always traveling for work. This way, you don’t need to be tied to your desktop to do edits!

Don’t Repair A PDF File Of More Than 50MB Online

While it is true that repairing PDF files online is a breeze, if the file is larger than 50MB, chances are high that it won’t be repaired properly. This is because most uploaders limit file size because of server overload, and if you don’t have a pro subscription on the online editing tool, be on the safe side and only repair PDF files online when it is less than 50MB.

Highlights Before You Separate Pages

Separating pages off a PDF sounds like a mundane process, and it should be easy, but it’s actually quite a process. Although, if you are doing it online, the process should be easier to manage. What you want to do is highlight the pages you want to separate first and then expect a new file to be extracted afterward. Don’t worry about the original file; it should be intact.

Compress With Quality

Compressing files is an age-old trick in making files easily uploadable and shareable. But the downside to compressing files, especially PDF ones, is that the quality of the elements will suffer. Shrinking down file size usually involves flattening images and making text less crisp, so the possibility of sacrificing PDF quality is imminent.

To prevent this from happening, there is a nifty trick you can do online, which involves setting the compression while maintaining quality. PDF Bear’s compression tool does this, and you’ll have a file that’s trimmed down without chopping the element’s colors or texts.


Make the most out of PDF editing online with these easy and reliable tricks! Never shy away from seemingly difficult PDF editing situations again – browser-based applications are as easy to maneuver as they come, and usability is actually its strong suit! If you are looking to improve your skills, have a one-up on the things that matter to your job, or just want new learnings, online PDF editing is an avenue you should look up!

Also Read: Top 5 Free PDF To Word Converters

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