How To Use Technology To Unite Brands And Customers

It is a fact that technology has revolutionized the market due to its innovations and practicality for companies to carry out their activities, in addition to making it possible to strengthen relationships with consumers.

There are different possibilities for this to happen in your business.

Currently, consumers seek more information about the company and products offered. The quality, price, and service determine the purchase decision.

It is not enough to think that it is just exposing your brand on social networks like Facebook and Instagram, or investing in a virtual store, for example, that will guarantee success in the business. It is essential to use technology in your favor to capture customers.

Thinking about it, we prepared this content with four infallible tips on how to use technology to unite your brand and potential customers. Here in this content, you will see how this practice provides excellent results for your company. Interested? Keep reading and find out!

Online Service

Undoubtedly, service is one of the main ways to unite the brand and the consumer. With technology, it is possible to use virtual assistants and optimize user response time.

In this way, it is possible to establish communication through chat faster and in advance to meet the needs of consumers.

For example, if you work with the sale of acrylic plaques, it is possible to invest in a chatbot for your website and program automatic responses.

This is possible due to the application of artificial intelligence so that the software can simulate human speech. Amazing huh?

Thus, this technology makes it possible to strengthen the relationship between the brand and the customer, solve problems, and prevent the consumer from waiting for answers for an extended period.

Communication Channels

Another way of using technology to unite companies with people is to take advantage of communication channels.

In addition to using the Chatbot, it is possible to use email and SMS to unite consumers and capture your business.

Email marketing and SMS marketing allow you to bring relevant content to the target audience so that it attracts their attention and purchases your products.

With digital transformation, sending email and SMS shots with promotions, special discounts, news, and the like became possible. Just use triggers to make it happen.

These strategies are ideal for those who sell small refrigerated counters, as they make it possible to build consumer loyalty to the brand.

Social Networks

There is no doubt that social networks are indispensable for commercial use. After the advance of the pandemic, companies had to adapt to the needs of consumers, who, by the way, are increasingly demanding about the buying process.

It is possible to expose your business and promote products using digital marketing strategies on different platforms such as Instagram and Facebook.

After all, some studies prove that, nowadays, consumers prefer online shopping due to its practicality and agility.

Thus, this practice increases the opportunity to bring the brand closer to the consumer since there is the possibility of investing in content marketing to bring relevant information to users to interact with the company, whether in comments, likes, or shares. , so that there is capture and even loyalty.

Have you ever heard of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and the advantages they generate for your business? If the answer is no, then you are in the right place!

The KPI stands for performance indicators and can be decisive in contributing to organizations’ planning. This is because performance indicators provide analysis and monitoring of processes and generate opportunities for managers to outline new strategies.

With that in mind, we have listed four KPIs you need to monitor in your business to provide the best performance and results. Want to know more? Keep following and check it out!

KPIs To Monitor In Your Business

Conversion Rate

Indeed analyzing the performance of your conversion rate can contribute to increasing your sales.

For example, if you work with the sale of products such as acrylic plates, it is essential to use the conversion rate KPI.

After all, from this analysis, it will be possible to know whether your business is succeeding.

Well, this KPI aims to analyze the conversion rate of leads into customers; that is, it can monitor the number of hits on your page and the number of customers who purchase. Amazing huh!

So imagine having those results provided by something other than KPIs. Is it possible to know how your business is progressing to devise strategies to overcome the effects?


Another important KPI to monitor in your business is ROI (Return On Investment), which means the return on investment.

In short, the ROI makes it possible to analyze the return on investment effectively.

It can calculate the investment to generate the results a company has achieved by investing in advertising campaigns and ads, among other actions, to analyze the performance earned.

Therefore, it allows the manager to conclude whether his investments are obtaining the expected return for his business and thus conclude whether there is a profit or loss in the end.

Average Ticket

The average ticket is the average amount a customer spends when buying from your company.

In this way, the KPI is paramount in this factor, as it will be fundamental to analyze and understand how your sales mechanisms are being carried out.

Therefore, the performance indicators will identify what needs to be adjusted based on the analysis of who are the customers that generate more profit to devise strategies for a specific audience.

Default Rate

Can you imagine analyzing the performance related to the return on investments but not exploring the default rate?

Although it is not decisive, the KPI is indispensable to identifying the results and obtaining the best control of your finances.

Thus, the company manages to control costs and business profit. Therefore, it allows for avoiding default in the market since the organization will have an assertive analysis of what it will receive and what will be paid in the future.

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