The Apps That Will Make Your Lifestyle More Sustainable

If you want your lifestyle to be more sustainable, you would like to know that there are apps that can help you with it. We gather some of the best apps that will help make your habits more sustainable and ecological

Ecology and sustainability are ideas that are increasingly present in our society. Different environmental movements across the globe fight to stop climate change disasters by putting pressure on governments to apply laws that force companies and citizens to exist in a more sustainable way.

Although it is true that the weight of this problem falls largely on large companies and governments, it is also true that every act adds up. The revolution comes from the bottom up, but if from below we try to modify habits to create an environmental conscience in our environment, we can help push that great change that “those from above” should apply.

If you are clear that you want to be part of that group of people who try to lead a lifestyle according to their environmental principles, but do not know where to start, do not worry!

There are several applications that you can download for free and that can help you modify your habits to start being more sustainable with your planet.

You may also be interested in knowing the best ideas of sustainable and solidarity products to give as gifts.

Better Apps to be More Sustainable


This application can serve as a basic guide to start a more sustainable lifestyle. You can meet daily challenges to be more environmentally friendly, read tips and information that will help you become aware and share all your achievements in networks.

Aprenverde can be a good option to start your path in environmentalism. Its design is quite intuitive and easy to use.


Sharing transport can be one of the greenest ways to travel and move around your city. The Urbi app is currently available in a large number of cities, including Barcelona or Madrid.

It is also very useful because it offers extra tools such as the possibility of knowing the exact price that each trip will cost you, receiving notifications of bike options available to share or knowing the free space left in each parking lot.

Too Good To Go

Do you know that every year one third of all food produced is thrown away? To try to avoid this waste of food in good condition there are applications such as Too Good To Go.

You can see restaurants, shops and supermarkets in your area that offer food at the end of the day much cheaper than it actually costs. This meal (which is in perfect condition), is going to be thrown away if it is not sold at the end of the day, so you are literally rescuing food from being wasted.

It is one of the most practical apps we have been able to use. In our experience, it works very well, we have been able to take home more than once meals from restaurants that have prevented us from having to cook. Worth!


If you are lucky enough to have a space where you can plant your own food, iHuerting can be a very useful app. This application will be able to remind you what kind of care you should have with each of your plants in a personalized way.

You will only have to indicate what plants you have and ready: the app will notify you every time one of your plants requires care. In addition, you can also enjoy several recipes to get the most out of the plants you grow.

Showr: Shower Stopwatch

If you are used to spending too much time in the shower, it is time to change your habits: one way to contribute to the care of our planet is to control the amount of water we consume unnecessarily.

Thanks to the Showr app you can monitor the water consumption, in addition to the economic cost, of each of your showers. You can also keep stopwatches to control the time you spend under the shower.


Mirubee is the app that will help you know the electrical consumption of each of your household appliances separately. In this way you can check if any of them are spending more unnecessarily.

It is important to keep in mind that in order to use this app you will need to have a “mirubox” or compatible electric meter. To find more information on how to find compatible meters, we recommend you visit their website .

Also Read: The 10 Best Android Apps For Your New Smartphone

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