How To Optimize Workplace Management In 2022

The real success of a company lies in its ability to manage work environments to ensure maximum satisfaction and safety of all the resources that use them.

By attributing the proper importance to this element, the company will be able to achieve its objectives by correctly executing the processes.

The management of workspaces takes the name of Workplace Management and represents one of the main topics addressed today in the workplace.

The management of the working environments is not limited to the tasks that concern the choice of the physical location of the offices and the furnishing elements to complete their design. In reality, Workplace Management is much more and has its roots in a broader area: corporate well-being.

Regardless of the scope and sector in which they operate, all business activities have a common goal: to improve their results. Developing and adopting an adequate Workplace Management Strategy is undoubtedly the best solution to pursue this goal.

Within this article, we will shed light on the peculiarities that outline the current world of work, later identifying the best solution to deal with it.

Smart Working: The Impact Of Remote Working

The emergence of Smart Working as the primary form of work starting from the first months of 2020 has initiated a radical change in the management of work and the spaces dedicated to it.

From one day to the next, the offices were completely emptied. This factor forced companies to intervene quickly by implementing tailor-made solutions that allowed employees to continue to carry out their activities.

Remote working has proved to be a winning formula and is appreciated by most companies and workers. Despite the period of great emergency, many companies have achieved excellent results thanks to their employees’ performance, sometimes even more efficiently than in the past.

The fame that Smart Working has achieved is attributable to its basic philosophy: guaranteeing flexibility to workers on the spot and working hours.

Hybrid Working: The Evolution Of Smart Working

With the end of the period of a national health emergency, we have witnessed a progressive return to everyday Life from all points of view, especially the working one.

Having noted the will of all parties involved not to abandon agile work completely, many companies have decided to implement a highly innovative and not very widespread solution until 2021: Hybrid Working. This new way of working allows workers to carry out their business remotely (in coworking spaces, from home or other places) and partly at the company office.

Adopting Hybrid Working requires preparing an ad hoc plan by the company department that deals with Workplace Management. Planning the presence of employees in the office is a fundamental step that cannot be underestimated.

To facilitate the management of workstations and meeting rooms within the corporate network, many companies are adopting desk booking software to reduce booking and guarantee access to workspaces for single employees or entire work teams.

Hybrid Life Is Not Just For Workers

The hybrid lifestyle has also been adopted globally by non-corporate entities. Among these, it is impossible not to mention the education sector, which was strongly affected during the pandemic but has proved capable of reacting adequately.

Students continue to be interested in a hybrid version of their study path at the higher education level (University and Higher Education). The aspect of transport and off-site Life weighs heavily on some of them, who would rather have more choices.

Although many universities have decided to return to the provision of face-to-face lessons starting from the beginning of the new academic year, the habits of students remain smart. To maximize productivity during study sessions and, when possible, follow lessons remotely, many students go to study rooms or libraries to achieve the highest level of concentration and productivity.


To better cope with the current situation of a world increasingly moving towards a hybrid horizon, each business must identify a solution that provides its users with an intelligent way of accessing buildings.

We have drawn up a list of features that the Workplace Management tool must necessarily guarantee to improve the organization of the environments:

  • Friendly Interface to offer user experiences characterized by maximum ease of use;
  • Verification of Attendance to check the effective use of the reserved spaces and obtain an accurate panoramic view;
  • Flow Management that guarantees the selection of user roles with a different management capacity;
  • Security Guarantee linked to using a Cloud environment that provides maximum protection of company assets.

Also Read: How To Keep Track Of Your Worker’s Progress

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