The Importance Of Telecommunications In Times Of COVID – 19

The head of technical development and training at the Official College of Telecommunications Engineers explains how telecommunications work and their role, even for health workers, in times of pandemic.

We currently live in the information age, communication technologies, data traffic … We live in a digital age that would not be possible without invisible communication networks, telecommunications.

Most civilizations experience a period of uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. At the present scenario, the population has been confined at home except in exceptional cases such as buying groceries or going to work in cases where it is not possible to do so from home.

Thanks to telecommunications, it is possible that we can all connect to the Internet almost from anywhere on the peninsula, the continent and the world. Thanks to them the coronavirus crisis will not be so crisis.

Invisible, But Present

Now counting all the possibilities offered by the Internet could be considered unnecessary. Virtually everyone knows what it is, what it works for and how it is used. However, not so many know that they are due to telecommunications, practically invisible tools.

Noelia Miranda, head of technical development at the Official College of Telecommunications Engineers ( COIT ), explains to ComputerWorld: “Telecommunications infrastructures are underground or invisible because they work with electromagnetic fields. You can only see the antennas of the mobile phone bases ”.

Mobile networks, fibre optics … are there, supporting much of what we do today due to this digitization of everyday life, even though we do not see them: “Everything works but we do not know very well why ”, Explains the expert. He adds: “Thanks to the deployment of operators, we are very strong at the fibre optic level and mobile phone coverage.”

It is not necessary, then, that there should be a collapse of the Internet “if rational use is made” of technology. During the crisis we are currently experiencing due to the well-known Coronavirus, telecommunications have an important role in different daily areas.

On the social level, it is obvious that people change the way they face the quarantine imposed after the state of alarm. Without going any further, this web article could not be viewed were it not for telecommunications. Thanks to the ‘telephones’ you can have contact with family, friends and colleagues through video calls. Children and university students can also access tale teaching platforms and follow classes remotely.

As for the economy, telecommunications also play a decisive role. The Government urged, even before the state of alarm, that all companies implement teleworking ( 88% worldwide try or impose it ). This new way of producing with remote work, as well as videoconferencing, would not be possible without telecommunications. Many companies allow labour flexibility that allows telecommuting and would not be possible without some quality connectivity. Also, shopping online conducive to production centres not suffer much and not be forced to interrupt your activity.

As other experts believe, that there will be changes in the way companies are managed due to teleworking: After this crisis passes, I think that companies will realize that they continue to function despite not having a physical work in which to have workers. That will change the working models. He indicates that this works better for the pockets of organizations: Economically it is a cost-saving. It will mean a change in the production model

Heroic Gadgets To Fight Against Covid – 19

All heroes have their weapons with which to fight evil. Today more than ever, the toilets are considered heroes who fight against ‘the bug’. Heroes who, in addition to their knowledge, use telecommunications to carry out their vital work for many people: Telemedicine helps to monitor patients, share information and spread it.

In other countries, big data tools have been used as a public health measure. There are many movement data that can be used (as long as privacy is respected) to know if you have been close to a coronavirus patient.

Telemedicine services can be used so that the healthcare provider does not come into contact with the patient and minimize risks and save time.

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