The Must-have Features For Modern Apartment Complexes

Particularly over the past twelve months as the world has handled the adverse effects of the pandemic, with many having to adjust to a new lifestyle that includes living and working remotely, in-demand features from the modern tenant have shifted. Certain features, fixtures and facilities have risen to the top of the list as necessities that must be included by property developers and landlords if they are to see their apartment/rental property tenanted for the foreseeable future.

Young professional looking to move to the city, and want to know which facilities you should be looking to prioritise? Perhaps you’re a landlord interested in learning more about shifting tenant demand in 2021? If you’re interested to find out more, here are three key features that will continue to become a normalcy within the apartment buildings and complexes being built around major worldwide cities.


Some might be forgiven for neglecting to worry about internet speeds when moving into a new property, prioritising factors such as living space, location and available transport links, but for the young professional living and operating out of an urban environment, the need for constant connection with high-speed upload/download speeds is vital. Award-winning property investment company RWinvest reported on their site of shifts in trends from renters over the past twelve months, with data now citing that high-speed internet is perhaps the most important facility for their homes to have.

Of course, high-speed internet is already expected by most moving into a city-centre area, but general connectivity and quality-of-live improvements will also continue to grow in demand and expectation from the modern tenant. This refers to features such as charging points and workstations throughout communal spaces and lobby areas, and even scannable codes/NFC integration that allows devices to be seamlessly integrated into a buildings network.

Green Space

Likely driven by the pandemic and its resulting global lockdown over the past twelve months, the demand for better outdoor spaces and garden areas with apartment buildings has shot up on the list of priorities for the modern tenant.

Of course, with cites continuing to become more and more concentrated and populated by the month, this is easier said than done, and so property development companies must become creative with the space they have in order to provide much-needed outdoor space and respite to tenants. The Summit Liverpool, for instance, an up and coming development in the burgeoning Baltic Triangle area of the North West UK city, pledges to offer communal rooftop garden terraces to its future tenants in addition to work-from-home spaces and connectivity throughout.

On-site Gym areas/pools

Many professionals working and operating out of the city have a tight, efficient schedule, and need a rental property that can work around and suit their lifestyle. It’s for this reason, then, that luxuries such as on-site gym facilities, swimming pools, and spas, are perfect for those that don’t have time to go out of their way to public exercise areas (particularly during peak-times in cities) and prefer to use the facilities on their doorstep during preferred hours.

On the subject of preferred hours, many luxury apartment complexes in cities around the world are increasingly including on-hand, 24-hour concierge services, similar to that you would see in high-end hotels. With dedicated management companies taking a small percentage from a landlord’s rental yield payments, they can provide bespoke and instantaneous service to tenants as and when they need it.

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