Check out this tip about what a Top Facebook Fan Badge is and how to get it!
Facebook introduced the top fan function a few years ago. Some people from the community of a Facebook page receive an award. Find out what the badge is and how to get it here.
You will automatically receive the top fan award on Facebook pages if you interact with the page more than the rest of the community. Facebook wants to reward particularly active users. The badge is reassigned weekly, so you will need to be continuously active on the site to keep it.
If you receive a Top Fan Badge, it will be displayed under your name when commenting on the Facebook page. In addition, top fans are collectively displayed in the community tab. Above and beyond this, however, signing does not give you any further advantages.
The top fan badge is automatically awarded by Facebook as long as the site operator has not deactivated the function. So the award is not given manually; you have to earn it.
To receive the badge, you must have more interaction with the page than most other community members. You can do this, for example, by.
The award is given weekly, so don’t be surprised if you don’t become a top fan right away. If you qualify as a Top Fan, you will receive a notification from Facebook allowing you to accept the badge. Only then will it be displayed for all comments that you have previously published on this Facebook page.
If you are inactive for a while, you will automatically lose the badge again. So to keep that from happening, keep interacting with posts on the page.
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