What Is The Best Investment In 2020?

Are you looking to invest your money in 2020 and looking to make the best possible investment? Let’s be clear: there is no “best investment”, at least not in the strict sense of the word. It is only by studying your current situation, taking the time to write down your goals and take stock of your financial hopes that you will know what type of investment you need to make. Tacotax reviews the options you can qualify for to help you choose the best investment for you.

How To Make The Best Possible Investment?

To claim to make the best possible investment in 2020, you must first of all know your investor profile. Indeed, depending on the type of investor that you are, you will not invest your money in the same way as another person. Your investments will be more or less risky depending on your age. For example, a young person will be more able to invest reasonable sums on long-term projects, while an older investor will be more likely to make short-term secure investments.

Likewise, the objective of such an investor will probably be to prepare for retirement, while a young investor probably does not even think about it. You must therefore think about your investment objectives and how you are going to finance them. This is how you can put together a good fundraising strategy to make the best possible investment.

Make The Best Investment By Varying Your Investments

Who says “best investment” does not necessarily mean unique investment! On the contrary, you have the possibility to vary your investments so take advantage of it. This is undoubtedly the best way to make a successful investment in 2020.

Invest Your Money In A Savings Product

Whether it is the Livret A, the Livret de Développement Durable et Solidaire or even a Housing Savings Plan , none of these regulated savings products will earn you a lot of money, but they offer guaranteed remuneration. If their return is very low, these savings products are secure and you take no risk by investing funds. They will allow you to build up very useful precautionary savings to make a future investment.

Life Insurance, One Of The Best Investments To Make

Nicknamed the “Swiss Army Knife” of investment , life insurance benefits from favorable taxation , mainly for those who wish to prepare their succession. Whether you are a budding investor or not, life insurance has many strings to its bow, including:

  • A capital guarantee,
  • A guaranteed return,
  • Piloted or mandated arbitration,
  • Savings that are available at all times,
  • The possibility of responsible investing thanks to Socially Responsible Investment Funds (SRI).

Placing your money in life insurance is an excellent way to secure funds while taking advantage of a higher rate than that of the booklet A. Rate which is however not very profitable if it is an exclusively fund. in euros. To increase the profitability of your investment , the ideal is to invest your money both in funds in euros and in units of account (SICAV or shares among others).

Better Investment Thanks To Stock Market Products

Much riskier, stock market products can allow you to considerably develop your wealth by acquiring shares in listed companies. The variation of the prices can allow you to realize interesting capital gains in addition to the dividends which you can claim.

While stock market products have long been reserved for professionals, you now have the option of investing in them, but beware: this type of investment is more dedicated to an audience of insiders ready to lose money . To take as little risk as possible with your starting capital, it is better to invest in the stock market only the money you do not need to live. Also consider diversifying your financial portfolio to dilute the risk. Finally, take a little experience before you jump in the deep end of the Stock Exchange! If you have decided to get started, you will need to open a securities account or a PEA to be able to buy your first shares.

Invest For Retirement

Are you between 35 and 50 years old ? Do you want to prepare for your retirement? Then the best investment for you is undoubtedly the Retirement Savings Plan (PER). Coming to replace the old Madelin contracts, article 83, PERCO and PERP, the PER allows you to manage cash inflows as you wish. With some exceptions, the invested funds will nevertheless be blocked on the PER until your retirement age. You can choose to withdraw your savings either in capital or in life annuity.

In addition, you have the possibility of deducting from your taxable income the payments made on your PER, within the limits of the limits defined by law.

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