Who Founded Quora| It’s Mission, Functions & Advantages

Quora is a social network of questions and answers available since June 21, 2010. It is a network to obtain and share knowledge, a platform in which to ask questions and connect with other people who will provide an answer. It is an online service where people can ask questions about different topics and receive answers.

Site typeSocial network services
Available languagesEnglish
FoundersAdam D’Angelo and Charlie Cheever
LaunchedJune 21, 2010
Actual StatusActive

What Is The Mission Of Quora?

Their mission is to share and grow the knowledge that exists in the world. People who have the answers to most of the questions that people want to know, generally know much more than what is available on the internet.

Founders Of Quora

Jointly founded by Adam D’Angelo (former Facebook CTO) and Charlie Cheever, in March 2010 it receives funds from Benchmark Capital, with an initial capital of $ 86 million.

How Quora Functions?

The Quora service allows you to ask questions and give answers. Users can comment on questions and rate them with positive or negative votes. If a question is written, other people if they want to answer them, some people vote for or against what was answered or if interesting questions or answers are written, they gain followers.

Once registered using Facebook, Twitter or Gmail accounts, all the friends that are in the chosen social network and that are on Quora are automatically followed.

It has options that allow you to edit profiles, as well as on the main page: you have the option of looking at questions already asked, adding questions, activities of friends, among others.


  • To gain followers, a good profile is created to increase visibility on the network.
  • It works in its English version as a blog.
  • Allows you to configure a specific page for a brand
  • Can be used as a research tool

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