Who Translates Better: Google Translate or DeepL Translator?

Before, exercising a profession without knowledge of other languages ​​was extremely complicated by cultural gaps. Only the classes taught by certain teachers could teach us other languages. Of course, there were other methods such as watching movies without subtitles, playing video games in other languages, reading a lot, etc. However, we already have new technologies that allow us to better understand other languages.Who Translates Better: Google Translate or DeepL Translator.

There are applications and websites that teach users to expand vocabulary. Although in the beginning the translations were not very successful, they are increasingly improving. Google Translator is a clear example of this and, now, we find a new translation service called: DeepL, which is completely free.

According to the developers, this new translator is much closer to native language, compared to translators from Google, Microsoft or Facebook

DeepL offers 42 language combinations between Spanish, English, German, French, Italian, Polish and Dutch. At the moment, neural networks are learning other languages ​​such as Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian.

Given these statements, we did not want to resist comparing this new translator with that of Google, one of the most used worldwide in order to see which service is closest to the real essence of the English to Spanish writings.

Google Translator


DeepL Translator


As we can see in this precise example, the translation was practically the same, except for the word “wings”, referring to the “wings”. DeepL understood that it was said food, while Google literally translated.

We took on the task of looking for exemplary phrases by Stephen King, an American author who enjoys a great reputation for horror literature.

Both translators proved to be very precise in preserving the character and nature of each phrase or message. Both Google Translate, and DeepL, denoted certain differences that could be notable when you want to communicate or understand things. It should be noted that no service has any cost and works online.

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