Why AI Can Never Replace A Good Employee

We live in a world in which technology makes our daily lives easier and easier. Drones deliver packages, chatbots answer questions on the Internet and car sensors ensure our safety. But the era of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics comes at a price: many workers fear losing their jobs.AI Can Never Replace A Good Employee.

However, not all functions can be automated. When it comes to positions that require problem solving, leadership and initiative, AI can never replace a good professional. Let’s look at seven areas where AI is impossible to provide the same value to the company as a person:

1. Empathy And Involvement

Today, there are robot surgeons, and even bots therapists if you need psychological support. But nothing can replace the implication and empathy that we humans are capable of. Caregivers, therapists and doctors can show sincerity and empathy towards their patients: this is something that a machine cannot do, and that it probably cannot even emulate for a few more years.

2. Initiative

Employees who take the initiative and proactively seek areas for improvement will give their companies invaluable value. They develop processes and train other workers so that the company operates more efficiently and effectively.

Once they dominate a professional capability, they continue to look for ways to improve processes even more. Committed and proactive employees are of enormous value to companies.

AI is effective by executing instructions and even detecting new trends or patterns, but it will not be able to identify and initiate new tasks alone.

3. Creativity

The human mind captures information from different external sources and develops new and creative ideas. We can be inspired through music, poetry, art or photography, and then channel that inspiration to develop business ideas or new products.

Companies need that creative innovation to thrive. A creative employee helps your company to think out of the box and sometimes completely unpublished. Because of the new ideas and thoughts, new products are created, new initiatives are proposed and great advances are made.

Creativity is an area where AI still has a long way to go . A machine can mimic a human work with greater precision in each new iteration, but creating something new and unique is a capacity that remains exclusive to human beings.

Also Read: 10 Examples That You Already Depend On Artificial Intelligence In Your Daily Life

4. Teamwork

Employees who work well as a team know how to join efforts between colleagues and departments to drive the company towards a common goal. When employees perceive that the workplace is collaborative, they get more involved. A recent Gallup study found that human teams with high commitment rates are 21% more profitable.

An AI program responds to direct feedback, but has no sense of companionship or collaboration. Therefore, a company can dispense with humans for some processes, it is impossible to artificially reproduce the perception of teamwork (and the advantages that it entails).

5. Adaptability

A good employee accepts the change and adapts when necessary for the smooth running of the company. When an employee assumes functions outside his area of expertise of his initial position and adapts quickly to new objectives and tasks, he brings immense value to the company, especially the company profits will be increased.

The machines, on the other hand, are programmed to perform specific functions. If a change it to a different area of work then it requires an immediate operational shift, the company will have to bear the cost of redesigning or replacing its technology.

6. Social Contribution

To generate income, today’s businesses depend heavily on their social environment, both locally and on the Internet. SMEs, above all, thrive in small cities , participating in the local economy. Employees contribute to the local economy, creating jobs, helping the environment and encouraging the community.

Robotics, machine learning and AI do not have that virtue. In fact, companies that eliminate jobs through automation run the risk of distancing themselves from their social environment, which can lead to difficulties in maintaining supply and demand.

7. Understanding The Context

One of the reasons why people create more value than AI is that a human understands the factors and circumstances of the company in its real-life context, while a machine does not have such external data. Artificial intelligence has its limit in the data it receives. A person, on the other hand, encompasses everything that is beyond the data, that is, the context.

While it is inevitable that technology will eliminate many jobs, it is clear that you cannot eliminate them all. The creativity, ingenuity and empathy of the human being are skills that the machine cannot reproduce at the moment. And, without the guidance of humans, AI cannot work.

The impact on AI society is unquestionable: it is leaving its mark, and things are changing very fast. But there are still years for “smart” technology to have serious consequences in the labor market. Take the test: ask the mobile assistant anything that is more complex than the weather forecast.

Also Read : Top 10 Technologies To Learn In 2019

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