Apex Legends: No More “PiggyBack”

Since the bet of Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts in the battle royale genre came to the industry, it has been surrounded by lights and shadows. And, it must be remembered that a game totally unknown until the day of its launch, and such game managed to establish a base of 50 million players in just two months. Moreover, also managed to make ‘Fortnite’ wobble and decide to copy some interesting mechanics that brought ‘ Apex Legends ‘. But Apex has also gone through bad times, such as when an error deleted the user’s accounts. Apex Legends: No More “PiggyBack”.

But if something has angered the community it is some practices of cheater players. In Apex Legends, the longer you manage to survive, the more experience points you will achieve. This measure is very good to reward all players and not just the winners. However, many cheats use it to level up. These players often use their teammates to survive longer but do not actively participate in the game and the clashes. This practice is known as piggyback.

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Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts will chase players who practice piggy-backing. According to a Reddit post by Jayfresh Respawn, the administrator of the Respawn community, the company will begin to penalize players who practice piggy-backing with temporary bans. In more extreme cases, players could face a permanent ban. The ban will not come immediately, but Respawn wanted to notify his player base before starting to apply these measures so that users can adjust their playing style.

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