EmailChecker Review: Most Trusted Email Verification Service

At present, emails are needed to be verified at every step. This is due to the fact that fake and spam emails are being generated at a huge rate. Therefore, the identification and segregation of such emails are crucial to keep the flow normal. One of the best options that you can go for in this regard is EmailChecker, and you will get precise and accurate verification of the emails present in your inbox. The details of EmailChecker services are given below.


You will need to pay for using the services of EmailChecker. The prices are very low, and you can start by paying just 14 dollars. In this service, you have the option of checking over 1000 mails. For the benefit of the users, the “pay as you go” plan is also available. Users can also opt for choosing the monthly subscription plans. Free trials for users to test out the services are also provided.

Verification Methods

Every email is being checked on real-time, and API verification is mainly done. Verification is supported on multiple platforms, and even the programming languages like PHP, Java, Python, and C are supported.

EmailChecker Advantages

EmailChecker is well known for having an accuracy of 99 per cent for the success rate of email deliverability. Users can also opt for bulk verification. You can easily distinguish between the fake and legit domains through this service. The detection rate of spam keywords is very high. Thus, accuracy is automatically improved. Detection of role accounts and discovery of catch-all accounts is also there to make the verification process stronger. DEA or Disposable Email Address identification is also present.

API also lets you use the feature of error correction. This is extremely helpful for the removal of characters that are considered invalid. Email addresses are thoroughly checked for the detection of such characters. One of the best parts about using EmailChecker is that you do not need to install it in a device to make it work. You will also get a helpdesk which is available at all times.

EmailChecker Review

Protection of Data

If you are using EmailChecker, rest assured that your data is absolutely safe. As per the reports from users, EmailChecker is one of the most trusted services for email verification, and they are true to their word. The availability of both HTTPS and HTTP endpoints is a good sign, and users have the option for disabling HTTPS as well. A firewall is present for checking and monitoring the environment transport and SSL is immediately secured if the need arises.

The servers used in EmailChecker are quite strong, and any type of data access is not available to outsiders. The only people who can access this data are the developers and the administrators of the servers. This is necessary as data features need to be maintained and checked from time to time. The data is strongly secured and is stored in the EU in a central manner. In this phase, data is also replicated in a secure manner. The processing of servers is done, and they are mainly spread out in different regions such as UK, EU, and US. When the data goes beyond the EU for processing, the storing of the data is not done. Instead, only the results are returned.

Users need proper credentials such as usernames and passwords for accessing the service. Encryption of the data field has also been done in all required places.

Why EmailChecker Services are the Best?

EmailChecker Review

EmailChecker services are widely well known due to their excellence in integration. It is quite obvious and expected that the expectations of different users will be different. To make sure that the customers are satisfied, there are multiple options for integration available. Users can further broaden the options for integration options by mixing and matching as per the advice of the experts. There is no problem regarding the submission of batch files as well, and EmailChecker provides such services automatically. Retrieval can also be done on-demand, and FTP access for that account is required for doing so. The batch API is mentioned for such purposes. You can also upload manually if you want, and multiple conventional centres use this process.

Another point in which EmailChecker services are excellent is the service of bulk API. The batch API services are excellent, and the processes and materials that were used for the processing of the B2B fast batch large lists have been applied. A million records are counted on average per day. The response codes available are also extremely useful. Every spam or fake emails that are recognized are discarded with explanations for each. The professionalism of EmailChecker is also admirable, and personal services for users are available as well. The dashboard is easy to navigate, and interaction with staff members can be done live. The response time is also quite fast. The response time for the application is also very small, and this is due to the fast PI.

EmailChecker also provides excellent SLA and uptime, and results with 99.99 per cent accuracy have been obtained. The documentation of EmailChecker is also very good, and users are provided with examples which contain various helpful codes. Accurate and strict verification is done for the verification process, and EmailChecker also uses the verification of Yahoo database. API verification can be tried by the users in real-time, and the accuracy is always top-notch.

Extra Features

The catch-all verification is an exclusive EmailChecker service. This process initiates the verification to an even higher level. As a result, even the hard bounces can be detected by this method. The verification process is executed with maximum care, and fake emails are easily detected and immediately discarded. Hence, fake emails cannot be further used for registering or signing up in online accounts.

You can also keep a track and retain your proper customers with such services. As soon as the fake emails get blocked, a notice is sent to the customers. The timely notifications of the orders are also sent.

To make the usage of EmailChecker extremely simple to all types of users, the dashboard has been made in a very simple manner. It is very easy to use and the navigation will not be problematic for anyone. Users can also do customizations if required. To make the verification process even simpler, users can easily select the list of emails and ‘drag and drop’ them for instant verification. Hence, the email list cleaning is very easy and effective.


EmailChecker has all the required features and services that you will need for verifying emails in a proper manner. With good pricing plans, blocking if fake emails, API verification, high accuracy, and discarding spam mails, EmailChecker is one of a kind. Thus, EmailChecker is definitely the one to choose for workflow enhancement.

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